Pugetsound Ship Builders Association
Advancing Safe Practices, Knowledge & Environmental Stewardship of the PNW Shipyard Industry

Improving Worker Health
and Safety Since 1945

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Improve, Advance & Promote the Shipbuilding Industry

PSSA's Core Purpose

To Share Knowledge and Learn from Our Members
The PSSA Members work together to promote worker safety and environmental stewardship here in the great Pacific North West. Sharing knowledge and best practices that can reduce shipyard work related injuries, that allows the craftsmen and women we employ to return home each day healthy and uninjured. Acting as guardians and stewards of the land, air and water we share. We strive to be strong advocates of utilizing methods and processes that protect our precious Puget Sound environment.

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Improving the Industry Today for a Successful Tomorrow

Alliance Logo

The Pugetsound Shipbuilders Association have maintained a strong partnership with OSHA Region X through and our active Alliance since 2007. The OSHA Alliance set the foundation of a strong relationship to foster safer and more healthful American shipyards. Working together the PSSA and OSHA openly share ideas and processes that assist in cultivating a culture of prevention while sharing best practices and technical knowledge. The Association benchmarks themselves against OSHA statistics to understand trends our progress for improvement to all. The PSSA sponsors periodic Puget Sound Maritime Safety Seminars that are open to all maritime workers for the purpose of strengthening Pacific Northwest shipyards by creating a safer workplace for all.

Puget Sound Shipbuilder's Association
Email: PSSA.Seattle@gmail.com

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